Add-on Installation
In order to install the Google add-on, you need to have a google account and use the following link: CREES Add-on.
Alternatively, you can search for CREES in the Add-ons menu insight Google Sheets. Go to Add-ons > Get add-ons…
Access Permissions
CREES needs to be autorised in order to work on your spreadsheet. After selecting your Google account, your are asked to autorise the Add-on.
CREES requires the following autorisations in order to run:
- View and manage spreadsheets that this application has been installed in: The add-on needs to access the data on the spreadsheets where the add-on is used.
- View and manage documents that this application has been installed in: The add-on needs to access the data on the documents where the add-on is used.
- Connect to external service: The add-on needs to send data to the CREES API in order to classifies data contained in the cells where a particular CREES function is applied.
The default CREES API endpoint does not store any data sent to the API server.